Strategy Distilled November 2021

Strategy Distilled November 2021

Distillations in this newsletter: Connecting values with strategy; Social proof; The ‘H’ model of strategy adoption; 5 types of people you’ll meet when implementing change; in praise of Post-it notes. STRATEGY DISTILLED: A monthly concoction of insight, learning...
Strategy Distilled October 2021

Strategy Distilled October 2021

Distillations in this newsletter: Strategy Healthcheck; the perils of hedging strategy; loss aversion; Net Promoter Score 3.0; strategic innovation lessons from LEGO. STRATEGY DISTILLED: A monthly concoction of insight, learning and things you might have missed for...
Strategy Distilled July 2021

Strategy Distilled July 2021

Distillations in this newsletter: Framing: a lesson from behavioural economics. Using framing as a model to inject creativity into strategy development. The case for strategy workshops. The synergy of Virgin Atlantic’s ‘double helix’ strategy. Digital avoidance...
Strategy Distilled June 2021

Strategy Distilled June 2021

Distillations in this newsletter: Five strategy lessons from Amazon that we can all learn from. The VACU model for strategic risk assessment. What is Confirmation Bias and why is it important in strategy work? Leadership lessons from Buurtzorg. How digital should your...
Five Priorities for Strategy in 2021

Five Priorities for Strategy in 2021

If we are to anticipate how 2021 will be described, it will probably be the year of recovery from 2020 and the year of adapting to the new post-pandemic world. In my latest LinkedIn article I lay out the five priorities for strategy in such circumstances: Strategy...
Three Creativity Blockers Revealed by Research

Three Creativity Blockers Revealed by Research

Strategy is necessarily creative. It’s not just choosing from a number of future alternatives, but rather creatively imagining the future we can collectively craft. Research, however, reveals three creativity blockers that strategists need to understand and avoid: 1. ...
80 books that informed The Strategy Manual

80 books that informed The Strategy Manual

I set out with lofty aims for The Strategy Manual. I wanted to explain strategy from first principles, I wanted to cover strategy across its entire lifecycle, from strategy development to strategy adoption and strategy adaptation, and I wanted it to be well-founded....