Is your strategy impactful?
Your strategy can be said to be impactful if it can be successful in achieving its overall objectives, and if it can make incremental impact as the strategic plan progresses. To do this, your strategic targets need to guide and drive strategic change by being:
- Actionable AND
- Measurable AND
- Purposeful.
Discover below:
- Key advice and actions to improve the impact of your strategy.
- Questions to ask to prompt deeper conversations on the impact of your strategy across your organisation.
- Strategy models relating to impact.
- Strategy workshops.
- Links to our full range of resources, including ‘The Strategy Manual’, our Strategy Glossary and links to articles and posts by Mike Baxter.
- We also offer consultancy and advice on all aspects of strategy.
Key advice and actions
Your strategy will be impactful if the targets for all your strategic goals are all actionable, measurable and purposeful.
1. Key Performance Indicators
A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a critical measure of progress towards an intended outcome. A Strategic Key Performance Indicator is a critical measure of progress towards the change specified in a strategy.
Key performance indicators comprise three parts: a target, a date and a measure of progress at a given point in time towards that target. They are either lagging indicators (measures of impact, measures of output, measures of the consequences of actions) or leading indicators (measures of input, measures of action or their immediate consequences).
Strategic KPIs serve two distinct purposes:
- Success-defining KPIs are ultimate indicators of strategy success. They enable you to decide if strategy success has been achieved and, if not, whether it is still wise to persist in pursuing it.
- Critical-to-success KPIs track the progress of goals upon which the success of the strategy depends. They enable you to decide whether plans need to be adjusted to improve outcomes, or whether a different way of achieving the same outcome needs to be found.
The AMP Model of Good KPIs proposes that good strategic key performance indicators are actionable, measurable and purposeful:
- Actionable – For KPIs to be actionable, they need to be owned, they need to be visible to their owner and the owner must be able to influence their outcome. Goal owners must not simply be passive observers of the KPI moving towards or away from its target.
- Measurable – KPIs must be sufficiently precise, accurate and timely to be fit for purpose.
- Purposeful – KPIs must contribute to strategic success.
2. Defining impact
For a strategy to be impactful, it must bring about change. The whole purpose of strategy is to seek commitment across the organisation to a future that is different from the one you would arrive at by continuing on your current course. This change of direction is a defining feature of strategy. If you don’t seek change, you don’t need a strategy. Being clear about the change you seek to bring about is the first hallmark of a good strategy.
For a strategy to be impactful it must be a compelling vision of the future. Envisioning the future is hard. Structured and systematic processes like the Futures Cone make it just that little bit less hard by illustrating the variety of possible futures that emanate from the current moment in time.
Let’s talk about… impactful strategy
Use these questions to prompt deeper conversations* on impactful strategy and strategy measurement across your organisation:
- How fit for purpose has your measurement of strategy been in the past? What worked well? What worked badly?
- How important do you, as an organisation, think strategy measurement is, and as a result how much effort should go into doing it thoroughly?
- Which aspects of strategy are you likely to struggle most to measure? What could you do to make these aspects of measurement more effective?
- How does your organisational culture respond to targets? Are they a force for good? Are they set diligently? Once set, are they respected? Do they drive strategy forward in a positive way?
*Download a pdf with some helpful rules (suggested by Ed Morrison and colleagues in their book Strategic Doing) to ensure successful conversations about strategy.
Want to know more?
Discover below the strategy models and workshops that can improve the impact of your strategy, or see our full range of resources, including ‘The Strategy Manual‘, our Strategy Glossary and links to articles and posts by Mike Baxter.
We also offer consultancy and advice on all aspects of strategy – find out more about how we work.
Our strategy workshops and models are colour-coded under the following themes:
Strategy models to ensure your strategy is impactful:
The AMP Model of Good KPIs
Ensure your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are Actionable, Measurable and Purposeful.
Hallmarks of Good Strategy
Validate your strategy to ensure that it is fit-for-purpose.
Futures Cone
Learn how to envision the future for your strategy to inform your strategic planning.
Strategy workshops to ensure your strategy is impactful:
Mastering Strategy Measurement
Acquire a strong working understanding of how strategy is measured, how KPIs should be used and how strategic progress should be reported. Produce your own draft strategy measurement policy.
Mastering Strategy Audit & Validation
Audit an existing strategy (we will provide one for you to work on, if needed) and validate its content for key characteristics of good strategy. This workshop also enables strategy to be validated during its development.
Mastering Strategic Agility
Audit strategic agility in your organisation and create a practical action plan to build, track and test strategic agility as it develops and becomes embedded in routine ways of working.
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Thought Leadership
Author of 'The Strategy Manual' and 'Core Values', Goal Atlas founder and Director, Mike Baxter, is a renowned strategy expert, keynote speaker and thought leader. He publishes regular articles on all aspects of strategy and strategic planning and frequently shares his ideas and expertise via the Strategy Distilled newsletter, LinkedIn and other invited presentations.
Free: Models and Templates
We believe strategy is for everyone. To help you DO strategy rather than just think about it, our models, frameworks and templates from 'The Strategy Manual' are released here under Creative Commons License. This means they are free for you to use in your presentations and strategy documentation. Sign up to hear when new models are released.
Mike Baxter's Book: 'The Strategy Manual'
'The Strategy Manual: A step-by-step guide to the transformational change of anything' draws on Mike's many years of expertise to deliver a practical handbook for anyone interested in the creation, management or governance of strategy. Find out more...
"Best management book I've read all year." Clo Willaerts