In 2008, as the dust was settling on the Financial Crisis, strategy expert Professor Richard Rumelt wrote “in suddenly volatile and different times, you must have a strategy.” Given the challenging times we are currently in, my latest LinkedIn article is a summary of Rumelt’s thinking on strategy best-practice in the wake of a global crisis. He offers the following three lessons:

 1. The concept of ‘structural break’ – how to avoid the notion of ‘crisis’ by focussing on the new trends that we haven’t seen before and, more importantly, the drivers of these trends. 

2. Strategy is a coherent viewpoint about the forces at work  – by identifying the drivers of post-crisis trends, we can pinpoint the forces around us that can help shape our new strategy.

3. Strategy is about design more than choices – in the absence of dependable data, keeping in mind the fact that strategy is more about designing that deducing helps us come up with innovative and feasible strategies for an uncertain future. 

Read the full article on ‘Strategy, once the crisis is over: three lessons from the writings of Richard Rumelt‘, or see my previous LinkedIn articles on: