Strategy Distilled May 2022

Strategy Distilled May 2022

Distillations in this newsletter: Strategy as Design Thinking; Connecting strategy and culture; A broad view of strategy. STRATEGY DISTILLED: A monthly concoction of insight, learning and things you might have missed for anyone who works on strategy, works with...
Strategy Distilled April 2022

Strategy Distilled April 2022

Distillations in this newsletter: Strategy governance from the boardroom to front-line teams; Engaging middle managers in strategy; Chain of beliefs in strategy; Tesler’s Law of the Conservation of Complexity; Chesterton’s Fence.   STRATEGY DISTILLED: A monthly...
Strategy Distilled March 2022

Strategy Distilled March 2022

Distillations in this newsletter: Strategy destination vs strategy aspiration; 12 strategy FAQs; One thing every strategist needs to accept; Gaining control in strategy; Strategic resilience. STRATEGY DISTILLED: A monthly concoction of insight, learning and things you...
Strategy Distilled February 2022

Strategy Distilled February 2022

Distillations in this newsletter: New: The Triple Diamond Model of strategy; Ikigai and the deficiencies of strategy; Strategy books you might enjoy. STRATEGY DISTILLED: A monthly concoction of insight, learning and things you might have missed for anyone who works on...
Strategy Distilled January 2022

Strategy Distilled January 2022

Distillations in this newsletter: Strategy KPIs: avoiding the tyranny of measurement; Lessons for strategy from Pixar’s 22 rules for storytelling; Further lessons on strategy from the Beatles. STRATEGY DISTILLED: A monthly concoction of insight, learning and things...